Admissions policy and PAN consultation 2025-26
The Constellation Trust as the Admission Authority for the academies in the Trust is consulting on their Admission Policy for 2025-2026.
This includes a proposal to reduce the published admissions number into Reception for Appleton Primary School from 50 to 30 from September 2025. Falling roles in the school in recent years have resulted in surplus places within the school and a reduction in the PAN to 30 will allow the school to maintain manageable class sizes and staffing levels.
Full details of the proposal are outlined in the consultation document below.
You are invited to respond to these proposals by completing the response form. The consultation will run from Monday 6th November until Thursday 21st December. After this date, the Trust Board of Directors will consider the evidence gathered to determine the final admissions arrangements for 2025/26.
Appleton PAN reduction response form
The Constellation Trust is publicising the consultation:
- To parents of children aged 2 or over in the local area
- To the Local Authority
- To neighbouring Local Authorities
- On the Constellation Trust website;
- On the school website via their own Admissions page
- To people in the relevant area who may have an interest in proposed admissions
- To admission authorities within the relevant area by e-mail;
- To local childcare providers and primary schools within the relevant area by e-mail;
- To members of the local community via advertising on the school site;
- Via the school social media pages
Admissions arrangements
As an academy, Appleton Primary School is now its own admissions authority with responsibility for setting its own admissions arrangements.
The Local Authority (Hull City Council) continues to be responsible for co-ordinating all admissions in the area and making offers of places.
Further details on how to apply for a school place can be found on the council’s website.
Further information can be downloaded below:

“Big shout out to the teachers – doing a great job.”

“Resources have been really helpful and provided challenge.”

“You do an amazing job with our children.”

“Thank you from myself and my boys – we just wanted to show our appreciation.”

“Had a lovely morning visiting the school. It’s always a pleasure to meet with teachers who value the importance of the Arts in education.”

“It looks like the children are really enjoying themselves.”

“Very enthusiastic pupils with lots of energy and impeccable behaviour.”

“Fantastic school, students were brilliant. Thanks for having us.”

“Thank you to all teachers. Good teaching changes lives.”

“My son is sad to be leaving Appleton. He has loved his time at the school.”

“Thank you for your support at this time – it has really meant a lot.”

“Thank you for your efforts, it makes a huge difference to the kids!”

“Thanks as always for putting the school work onto the website for my children.”

“Thank you to everyone involved in producing that work as it is a perfect indicator of what levels and subjects to go with.”

“The children were an absolute delight, full of smiles and energy. Thank you for a lovely afternoon.”